Transworld Snowboarding

Zeppelin Zeerip : Mount Hood to Argentina

Zeppelin Zeerip had a solid summer filled with a smattering of boardin’ at Mount Hood and in Argentina with SASS Global Travel. He just dropped this tasty edit of his antics that span from the Pacific Northwest, to deep down south. We reached out to double Z for the scoop on his summer, his role with DMOS, and just how explosive things got in Argentina.

Zeppelin, give us the low-down about yourself— Where are you from and where do you primarily ride?

I’m from Sparta, MI. It’s a small farm town and I grew up riding Pando Winter Sports Park. The resort is about 100ft. vertical but we had free reign to build whatever we wanted, wherever we wanted, so it was awesome, despite being so small. I’m based out of SLC now and will be riding Brighton and Solitude.

How did the scene at Hood this summer differ from other years that you’ve been there?

 The scene was very similar in that it was all the familiar faces and hype, but the low snow definitely had people nervous about the future. I remember one day the park crew was scrambling to divert a stream that was running under a Windells’ jump, creating a hallow cavern that they were afraid would collapse. Hats off to the camps for managing to pull it off without canceling sessions.

This was your first time to Argentina, what were your two most memorable moments from that trip?

 Oh damn, highs and lows for sure. The best moment was riding out of the wall ride that is my ender shot. Nils Arviddson had built that hip the week before, and when we went to session it, he actually came up to get another trick. He guinea-pigged it and did a massive frontside melon and rode out on that wall switch. I ended up doing the method first hit and calling it a day after that because it was so intense.

The low moment was definitely the last night when everyone was partying and I woke up in bed with diarrhea that ended up lasting for the 40 hours on the plane home. That made it pretty miserable, but I’m fortunate it didn’t happen while we were actually filming. Sorry to the room cleaners.

What are you plans this coming season?

This upcoming season I’ll be riding everyday in the Wasatch backcountry, Brighton, or Solitude. I may try and do some freeride contests for fun, but I will primarily be filming in Utah, Wyoming, and Washington.

What’s your role with DMOS?

Working with DMOS has been awesome, because the startup attitude means that we are moving exceptionally fast in terms of our Kickstarter launch, and our small team means that nearly every suggestion I have is put to action that day without a dragged out process. Right now, I’m managing the team, helping with marketing, and working on our next product, which we will be revealing later this winter.

What’s the best part about having a name with double ZZ’s and the worst part?

The best part is the name recognition; it’s fairly common that people I met 10 years ago will say “Oh yeah, we met back in Colorado”, because it’s hard to forget the name. The only downside is that the legacy of the Zeppelin’s was tarnished when the Hindenburg blew up, so I’m obviously trying to avoid that bad juju.

Anything else you want to add?

Thanks to Nitro, Homeschool, and Blindside, and make sure to checkout Far From Home when it goes live on Vimeo on Demand November 11th. @zeppelinzeerip

Yolo. Stay tuned for more from Zeppelin.




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